post 6
Hello everyone, for me this is a very important theme, but
at the same time, delicate to talk about
I think that everyone when we were children we have received
some male chauvinist treatment and I think that it is largely due to the bad
education we have received in schools and also from our own parents, since many
times they themselves were brought up under retrograde thinking. Since they
were little they taught children how to dress according to their gender, how
they should behave and what toys they should use.
I was born in the countryside and it has always seemed to me
that the field work is too hard for anyone, I often saw that men did very heavy
work that because of the woman’s anatomy , the can’t do it, but even so women
had to do many heavy things like working the land, planting, etc. To this, we
have to add that they had to do the food, clean and attend to men in everything
they wanted. Because I was brought up in that environment, I have had very male
chauvinist attitudes throughout my life, but little by little I have been able
to become aware of my actions and change them. I know that I still have
vestiges of that, but every day I try to improve.
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